Tuesday, September 19, 2006

My Presentation

I have been debating about what I want to do for my presentation. I am really considering singing but I don't what song I can do that would tie into the class. Plus, should I just sing with a tape of the song or find some sort of accompanyment? I'm not quite sure. I sang the song Wade In The Water last year for music contest, their has to be some way to tie that song into the class.. I will have to check it out!!
I read chapter 2 yesterday. It was pretty interesting to learn about Charlie Patton and how influencial he has been. There were so many people listed in this chapter that charlie had been in contact with and taught them a few things. I some times get confused by the book when they are talking about the history of blues and then they go into a speal about something historical that happened like the floodings. I would forget what I was reading about almost. Other than that the book is pretty easily understood.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Deep Blues

Reading about the background of blues was really interesting to me. I never knew really where it came from or how it got its start. I found the book very engaging and packed full of new facts that I knew nothing about. The book has also helped me to appreciate the music we have been listening to for class. Knowing the background to some of the singers just makes it more interesting. I am excited to read on and learn more and also to see what other people thought about the reading! :)